About Us
The Brand

At MBUNDU, we’re creating the world’s most extensive exciting specialty personal and corporate gifts emporium.
Every strand of our DNA vibrates with the joy of discovery – discovery of the creative, discovery of the offbeat, and discovery of the new. We revel in the unexpected — from delightfully simple organic shapes and irreverent urban style to fresh-thinking technology and quirky ethnic designs.
Our world is beautifully constructed, faultlessly finished, and designed to last.
The Client
Our clients are bound by their shared ideals, convictions, cultural sophistication, and unique outlooks on life.
They enjoy world travel for its immersive ability to expand their horizons and deepen their cultural understanding.
Each journey adds to their collection of experiences, memories, and artefacts. The spirit of their journey continues with MBUNDU.
Our brand taps their wealth of memories and rich experiences. Our brand resonates on all levels – the intellectual, artistic, social, physical and new.
The Vision
Each and every day, our clients experience the very best from around the world when they shop MBUNDU. On their behalf, we travel widely in search of imaginative people who see things so differently that they’re drawn to create the unique and handcraft the unusual.
MBUNDU is the showcase for their multifaceted and multicultural inspiration.
Through the twin filters of our eclectic spirit and discerning eye, we curate the world. Every piece must delight the hand, soothe the soul, and tickle the intellect. Every single object is a statement of aesthetic principle or elegant utility.