We ❤ One Tree Planted
Why We Care

We want to give back. The planet and her people inspire us to be creative in all that we do. We love the endless seas, azure skies, and glorious sunrises and sunsets. We are keenly aware that we share one home. And we know that this sacred place must be protected for future generations.
At TEAM MBUNDU, we travel extensively. Recent journeys include Brazil, South Africa, Peru, Thailand, Mexico, Namibia, Costa Rica, Rwanda, and Fiji. We have also enjoyed adventures to Ecuador, Lesotho, Chile, Kenya, Italy, Zimbabwe, Portugal, Mauritius, Singapore, and Australia.
Everywhere we travel, we are in awe of the talents of regional artisans. And, across the world and at every turn, we are humbled by the central role forests play in our everyday lives.
What’s At Stake
Trees clean the air we breathe and filter the water we drink. Trees also provide habitat for some 80% of terrestrial plant and animal biodiversity.
If that weren’t enough, trees provide jobs for billions of people and are a treasure trove of riches for medicines.
Globally, the rich birthright of forests is under attack at every turn. It is estimated that humankind destroys one football field of pristine virgin forest every 1.2 seconds. Woodland destruction accounts for around 20% of current global greenhouse gas emissions.
At current rates, in a quarter of a decade, deforestation is expected to wipe out 28,000 species.
Clearly, we live in a pressing moment of time.
Doing A Little Good
We are proud to be members of ONE TREE PLANTED — a global coalition of organizations and individuals committed to the creation of a healthier planet.
Every year, we pledge 1% of net sales to a cause that we love.
The beauty of ONE TREE PLANTED is the simplicity of its program: one dollar, one tree. For every dollar donated, they plant one tree.
With projects in North America, Latin America, Africa, and Australasia, this program has a truly global footprint. Recent tree planting programs have occured in the following regions:
- The United States of America
- Canada
- Guatemala
- Brazil
- Haiti
- Peru (The Amazon Rainforest)
- Australia
- Indonesia
- The Philippines
- India
- Vietnam
- Ethiopia
- Kenya
- Ghana
- Uganda
- Rwanda
The initiative goes a long way to help restore the world’s forests.
To learn more, visit onetreeplanted.org